student in a crowd
netball students

Prep 7-11


The Vita et Pax Prep caters to children from the ages of 7 to 11. Our Prep starts in Year 3 and goes up to Year 6.

Moving into Key Stage 2, the children continue to be challenged by an exciting curriculum and are taught to become increasingly self-motivated learners. The children are encouraged to persevere, and two and three step word problems feature in Maths to challenge depth and mastery.

Maths is taught as a whole-school approach that supports children in their learning to a level of mastery, which will enable them to meet the higher expectations of the 11+ exams. Additionally, pupils are enabled to become confident problem-solvers with a high-level of reasoning skills for a strong secondary transfer. High-quality pupil textbooks introduce concepts in a highly scaffolded way, enabling all children to become assured mathematicians. The principal is based on a concrete – pictorial – abstract approach which ensures deep understanding of key mathematical concepts.

English continues to have grammar, transcription and composition taught around the class core text. Humanities delve into researching The Ancient Greeks, The Stone Age, The Vikings, World War II and River Studies and computing includes high order programming and researching using apps.

Trips are customised around the curriculum to support and challenge learning and residential trips are planned further afield to enable children to take part in team activities and challenge them to take risks at participating in new activities. Spanish, PE and music continue to be taught by specialist teachers and children build on their skills learnt from Key Stage 1 to take part in local and regional enrichment opportunities.

Swimming takes place weekly in Year 3 and 4 to support vital life skills and public speaking and debating are also introduced at Key Stage 2 to develop assertive and confident children who are well equipped for the future.

From summer term in Year 3, children have weekly common entrance preparation built into their teaching timetable which is taught by a specialist teacher, helping to facilitate their preparation for secondary transition.

Prep Day

The Prep day runs from 8:45-15:30

We also offer wraparound care to our children from 7:30-18:00.  On Wednesday’s children are invited to attend a free teacher led club which runs from 15:30-16:30.